There's a reason why today's Summer Stock Sunday post is a bit late.
Yesterday, my sister was going on holiday, so I offered to bring her to the airport. She lives down the country, in Co. Clare.
I got a text early yesterday morning, "expect a large bag of plums". When P says large, that means enormous! She doesn't do small, maybe not even medium.
Aren't they beautiful? Some of them are the size of grapes, and they're the most beautiful pink colour.
She has had the plum tree for about 7 years, and it never produced any plums. Now this year, the branches were so laded some of them snapped.
This is batch number 4 (i know! large!) washed and ready to be cut up for plum and orange marmalade. I'll post the marmalade picture tomorrow, I'm typing this as the sugar dissolves!
For more Summer Stock Sunday, click on the link at the top, which will bring you to Robin's blog.
Thanks to Hubby who took the pictures, my camera has run away from home to protest at being neglected.