Friday, January 8, 2010

Gets better and better

Maggie May, look away!

This is another post about snow...

Well, this day just got better and better. First, it snowed all morning, till about 11 o'clock, which was when I awoke to everything dusted in a fresh coat of icing sugar snow. Oh, it just looked so beautiful!

Then the weather forecast tells us that we'll have (maybe) more tomorrow, and definitely more on Sunday, lots more.

And this evening the Minister for Education announced that schools will be closed next Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday!

How good is that! It doesn't affect this little fellow, but at least we'll be here to refill the feeder all day!

This year is starting off so well, and getting better and better.

Pics are again courtesy of Hubby. Artwork on snowmen by my kids, many years ago, but nostalgic me still puts it on the window each Christmas. And I haven't taken down the decorations yet! Will do tomorrow- it's a job I hate, cos it signals the end of my favourite time of year, and I always wonder what the interval until next Christmas will bring.

PS..I am not forgetting that for some people this snow is a pain and makes life difficult. But I really do love it!


  1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I've enjoyed reading some of your blog. I'll be back. :-)

  2. Those snowmen are so cute...I see why you save them!

  3. I'm glad you like the snow. Even better that you get some time off to enjoy it. =D

    Your snowmen are very sweet!

  4. I so love the snow too and we have about six to eight inches. I'm really missing at least a little bit of sunshine. :)
    My tree still stands but tomorrow I'll begin putting it all away.
    Love those little snowmen!

  5. How fun that you are still getting snow. How much do you usually get in a normal year?
    The pictures of the bird are beautiful against the white powdery snow, very nicely done.
    Do you still have snow tonight? or has it melted away?

  6. I'm pleased you get such a lot of pleasure out of all this arctic weather. I wish I could send my lot over to you. Carry on enjoying, Mimi.

  7. Ah, so many days off sounds amazing! I still can't believe how much snow you're getting. I NEVER saw anything like this in Edinburgh when I lived there... not a single day! Outrageous. :) Hope you're still enjoying it!

  8. So glad you an enjoying the snow! I enjoyed for the first few days...but we still have snow on the ground from 3 weeks I would be happy to see it go..and then maybe come back again in a few weeks :)
