I've been doing a bit of a makeover on the garden, I'm fed up of the outdoor furniture, it needed varnish and I was dreading that job.
Welcome to my blog. It's a mixture of different bits of my life, including aromatherapy, music, children, travel. If you visit, please leave a comment, even just to let me know you were here. It would make my day, and I will return the visit. Thanks
Went on a shopping spree today.
No, not really a spree, just got a few bits for my holidays- hubby and I are going away for a few days towards the end of July, so I thought I'd get myself organised in plenty of time.
As we'll be travelling with Ryanair, and they only allow one bag (and they are very strict about it), I got this little item, which can go across body under any jacket. I hate having to lug down my bag from the overhead locker to get out money for food on the plane, so this is the perfect solution.
Then I spotted a rack of belts, and couldn't resist these two. The black one will go perfectly with my black patent sandals, and the flowery one is lovely- not sure if it shows in this picture, but it has loads of tiny sequins. (sorry, order of photos is wrong, blogger is being funny again and I had to go to firefox to publish, grrr!)
Total cost of the "spree".....€10.
Got to love Dunnes Stores! And the sale hasn't even started yet, these were regular prices!
We're flying into Pisa, will go to Florence for at least a day. If anybody has any tips on the area, they'd be much appreciated.
Looking forward to the trip. This will be our first time away without the kids, ever!
I'm linking in with Robin at Around the Island for Summer Stock Sunday. If you'd like to join in just follow the link.